Sometimes in life, you’re at a crossroads. In those moments, a solo trip to Barcelona isn’t a bad idea. On Friday evening, after checking the weather app and seeing rain forecasted in Bordeaux for the entire weekend, I bought a round-trip ticket to Barcelona, booked a hotel, and off I went.
I had never flown on Vueling, but was pleasantly surprised the flight was on time and pretty smooth. In my backpack I had my recently purchased Nikon F5, Zeiss Otus 55mm and Apo 135mm along with rolls of copex rapid.
After getting to my hotel pretty late on Friday evening, I slept pretty well and the next morning I decided to take the tramway to Sagrada Familia.

After walking around it I decided to go grab a nice burger at McDonald’s, I then pursued my journey to the Arc Of Triumph.
In case you’re wondering, I shot the rolls at ISO 25. Even though Copex Rapid is rated at ISO 50, it seems to retain more detail at ISO 25. Moreover, I read that before Copex Rapid, there was Copex, a film rated at ISO 25, which begs the question: is Copex Rapid simply a rebranded Copex?
I decided to develop these rolls in POTA and unfortunately forgot to presoak the film which resulted in them having streaks…

In that park I noticed a really nice greenhouse

After this I decided to go checkout the beach.

Second day was pretty short as I had to be at the airport by 3 pm. Anyways I had enough time to take a few pics.

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